My world
I was born into this beautiful and interesting world on August 23rd 2021. My parents say that I am the most amazing child in the world but I heard on the playground that all of us children are amazing to our family and basically to the whole world. However my mom is worried as I did not come into this world completely healthy. I do not know yet what “completely healthy” really means. My parents could tell you more about it, with my never-ending insomnia. Perhaps it is caused by the visits of many people who look at me and advise my mom and dad how to exercise with me. The doctors themselves do not exactly know the real cause of my health condition. Adults call it a congenital developmental defect. All I know is that I am missing a large part of my right leg and my dad tells me that I have to exercise a lot so that we do not neglect anything. My mom takes care of me well but she did not know until the very last moment that I would be born like this – special. At every check-up the doctors told her that everything is fine and that my measurements are ideal. Of course they are! Now, I am going to think of something fun to amuse my parents again.
Through the eyes of the father
Hello everyone, hello friends. My name is Kristián and I am the father of a wonderful child called Leuško…
Through the eyes of the mother
Like every woman, I wanted to become a mother too. My husband and I dreamed of having a child and after…
V den narodenia aj moji rodičia počuli prvý krát nazov FOKOMELIA, neskôr mi bola diagnostikovaná fibularna hemimelia, z ktorej sa v zahraničí stala tibialna hemimelia. Všetko toto musi potvrdiť až ďalšie MRI, ktoré je sprevádzané nekonečnými navštevami rôznych ujov a tiet, doktorov a rehabilitácií. Pýtate sa odkial tieto slovíčka ovládam? Vôbec ich neovládam a ani moji rodičia ich nepoznali, pokial ich nenašli na internete alebo priamo vysvetlene od lekarov. Potrebujete aj vy pomoc zorientovať sa v týchto pojmoch? Navštívte náš slovník.
Foundation for Leo
In order to provide a good life for our child, because of his handicap, we must seek help from all over the world. Not only the seeking process but also the help itself is very expensive. We cannot do it alone. Therefore we created a foundation where you can contribute too.
Where to find help?
Searching for answers, rehabs, experts, specialists. This website was created not only to help you but also to help anyone who has to go through something similar. Over the time, we have collected a lot of information on where to look for help and experts.