Some time has passed and not only has Leo made great progress but also we moved on as a family. We always wanted to have two children but after our story, we had doubts about ourselves and our compatibility. After some consultations and meetings we decided that such a great son as Leuško definitely needs a sibling. Therefore about a month ago, his little brother came into this world. We believe that together with Dario, they will be great brothers and friends supporting each other. On top of that, we knew that this period of time will be too busy and sensitive for us so my wife and I have decided that we will take a break from creating content on our website.
Certainly, we were not idle and continued to search for solutions to make our website and social networks more efficient. We would like to bring Leuško’s story closer to people and families who live with a member with disabilities, but also to people who would like to understand this issue or help further. After helping Leuško and informing about where and how you can get help, in the long term we want to help other families, financially, materially etc. It’s a long run at the moment, but I believe that if we can help at least one child besides ours, our mission will be more than accomplished. We experienced a situation when unknown people called us and we tried to guide and calm them down. Their experience is very beneficial for us and I believe that we will be able to share their life story on our website as well. The more we know about each other, the more effectively we can protect us and move forward. Because a happy life of a child matters to everyone. Back to our story, Leuško is a very clever little boy and he with his mom (to whom we owe the biggest thanks) are always overcoming new and new obstacles, whether it’s on the playground or in the doctor’s offices. Before the summer, once again we had a little so-called ‘leg-maintenance’. Together with experts from Pohlig, we checked whether our son’s prosthesis wasn’t scratching him or pressing somewhere, or whether he could walk comfortably. This routine was carried out in Vienna and the inspection took about half a day. They looked at his leg, adjusted some parts and we went home. We would like to point out the fact that ortho-protective aids for our little ones are not always as perfectly equipped as for older children. One of the most important parts in our case is the knee joint. Mr. Michal Musil explained us that for the joint to be made the child’s height is very important, as the device requires more space, which Leuško does not have in his leg yet. But later, this joint will be put into Leuško’s leg. Another novelty came to us with high summer temperatures, when our son complained about some pressure in the knee area. As we know, our limbs react differently to heat (e.g. by swelling) and we wanted you to know that if necessary, listen to the babies complaints. Just be careful, this applies to all children, they can use it as a very effective excuse for avoiding walks. We don’t have advice for that. Dear friends, we wish you a nice start of a new school and financial year. We will contact you again via our Facebook or Instagram accounts.